Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The Meaning of Life

Monty Python once claimed the 'Meaning of Life' to be 42. As convincing as their argument was, I'm not totally sure of its accuracy and decided to search long and hard into the depths of my head and find what everyone's looking for: The meaning of life.

I can't claim to be totally correct, but I can't be too far away with my years worth of evidence.

Many perceive the meaning of life to be something close to heart, religious or linked with fate. All of these claims are incorrect.

Firstly, religion is a myth; it's common knowledge that religion is a human's way of dealing with occurrences it can't comprehend. Therefore we aren't put on earth to please or to honour God, we shouldn't be brainwashed into living a certain way by a mythical being, if we should then who wouldn't live in honour of Bob the Builder or Postman Pat?

Fate is the belief that everything was meant to be, and us as humans have no control over our destiny or actions because everything was planned to happen how it is. This again isn't true as this would eliminate life's meaning. Fate, like religion, is a way of reassuring the mind of potential reasons why things happen to relieve a lack of control. Who decides fate? Why does fate exist? Is our life mapped out in the stars? Does anyone really care? Can someone also explain to me how the Holocaust or World Wars were fate?

So the meaning of life must be something obvious right? Well possibly, a man (or woman) is put on earth to live, reproduce and die. Therefore can those that don't have offspring consider themselves failures? Who knows, yet this is the only pattern that links all animals on earth. So maybe we can conclude that the whole point of the human race is to survive, to live on, to reproduce and not die out. Yet we won't live forever...

I feel, life isn't about merely existing, as anyone can do that. A man that makes no mistakes yet doesn't achieve anything would have just as much meaning to his life as a life saver or a revolutionist who changes the world.

The meaning of your life is determined by what you achieve, a Fireman that saves people's life's everyday or the man that one day find the cure to cancer will have far more meaning to their life than a serial killer or a rapist.

This means you are judged by what you achieve rather than just merely existing, as Kurt Cobain once said "It's better to burn out than fade away." Meaning it's better to achieve whilst you are on earth rather than just be there.

So you can live in a way that would honour a metaphoric God, claim love at first sight or just live to be happy; yet no matter what you do, you live to achieve.

So I would argue that the meaning of life is achievement. Imagine a world with no life, just nature. This would be a pointless world as nothing has been achieved, just vast nothingness. The world may die one day, we may burn ourselves to extinction yet at least we'd have achieved something whilst we are here, as it's better to burn out that to fade away.

Therefore the meaning of one's life is a personal thing, nobody can truly define somebody else's meaning of life because everyone's achievements and ambitions are personal. Nobody can tell you what you dream about at night, so if you dream of flying, then the meaning of your life is flying. If you dream of winning, the meaning of your life is winning. If you dream of frogs...

So I have unraveled the meaning of life and succeeded where many others before me have failed, therefore I claim that the meaning of the last 30 minutes of my life was finding the meaning of my life.

Oh how the mind boggles, so the meaning of life appears to be ambition and achievement, which are changing all the time. Therefore the meaning of life is changing all the time and is impossible to detect...

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